Border Strongholds

 Blenkinsopp  Castle 

There is little of the old castle left. It has been so altered that it is not easy to tell that it was once a Border stronghold. 
Like so many of the buildings along the wall, it was built of stones the Romans left behind.

There is a legend that it was connected to Thirlwell Castle by a tunnel. The beginning of an underground passage has been found but it seems highly unlikely that it continued for one and a half miles.

Blenkinsopp has a resident ghost, the ‘White Lady’ who wanders around from time to time, scaring people.

The road westward from Haltwhistle, the A69, passes close to Blenkinsopp Castle, where it can be reached from a by-road on the left, a mile before reaching Greenhead.

The name means Blenkin's Hope, a hope being a valley.