Border Castles and Towers

Ferniehirst Castle 

Location: Two miles south of Jedburgh on the road that follows the wooded valley of the Jed, a byway to the left wends it way uphill through the trees to Ferniehirst Castle.

A Ker stronghold, the original castle was erected by Sir Thomas Ker.

For some time it was held by an English garrison who became detested by the cruelties they inflicted on the people living nearby. But the Scots eventually got their revenge.

The Kers backed the cause of Bothwell and Mary, Queen of Scots, which resulted in the castle being demolished. It was rebuilt in 1598 by Sir Andrew Ker and later fully restored.

Above the entrance, carved into the stonework, are the initials of Sir Andrew and his wife, Dame Ann Stewart, and the date 1598, with their coat of arms and the motto, ”Forward in the name of God.”

The tower is open the month of July only, Monday to Saturdays.

Tel: 01835 862201