Border Castles and Towers


Location: The tower can be located two miles to the north of Corbridge and almost on the Roman Wall.

Not a castle but a tower. Imposing, nonetheless.

This is a pele, not a castle, but imposing nonetheless.

As may be expected the tower was built from Roman stones.

This pele is associated with the Carnaby family.

Halton is actually a group of three buildings which includes the pele tower.

Halton take its name from the builders, the de Haltons. Like so many of the nobility (and clergy) of those times, the Haltons were not averse to a little mild reiving or ‘lifting’ at the expense of their neighbours, if the opportunity presented itself.

In 1276, Sir John Halton, the Sheriff of Northumberland, 
the region’s law enforcer, was tempted. 
But his one (known) venture in the skilled art of reiving was bungled, and he was brought before his own court where he was charged with ‘lifting’ cattle belonging to a Thomas Fairburn of Wark on Tyne, and having them driven to his mansion at Sewingshields.

The evidence was so strong that even his own court could not avoid pronouncing him guilty. His position, however, had other  advantages besides a sizeable salary, and it saved him from severe punishment, even the gallows, a punishment often meted out to those of lower status. He succeeded in buying himself out of trouble by paying a mere ten marks in silver to Thomas Fairburn.

No doubt he continued to serve in his position of administering the law.