Border Castles and Towers

Morton Castle 


Situated about three miles north-east of Thornhill on a hill overlooking Morton Loch. It is not easy to find but well worth visiting.

Map ref: 78 891 992

Home of the Black Douglases.

It is a most impressive stronghold standing on a hill overlooking Loch Morton.

Two of the great circular towers and much of the outer walls, 
8' to 10' thick, remain.

It was here that Lady Morton fell in love with a young manservant in the Castle. The Earl discovered the liaison and threw the young man into a dungeon. Lady Morton kept him alive by secretly taking food to him and plotted his escape.

The secret soon reached the ears of the Earl who was furious and ordered a terrible punishment for the youth. He had him bound to two unbroken colts which were then released into the wilds.

The Black Douglases became so powerful in the 15th century that they became a serious threat to the monarchy. 
They were crushed in the rebellion of 1455.

The king besieged them at Threave Castle


The Johnstones were granted former Douglas lands.

On a pleasant day you could quite easily spend half a day or more here.