Border Strongholds

Warkworth Castle 

At the end of the long straight main street of Warkworth stands the castle, high, in a dramatic setting.  The most striking view is when approached from the north.

It was, at one time, considered by the Percy family as their home, but it was eventually rejected in favour of Alnwick. 

So Warkworth Castle was left as it was and thus did not experience the restoration and refurbishing from which Alnwick Castle suffered.

The castle dates from the 12th century when it was a typical motte and bailey construction of timber.

Part of the extensive remains are the 15th century keep, which is well preserved,  the chapel, and the great hall.     
The Lion Tower displays the Percy emblem.

The castle bore its share of enemy attacks and was besieged by the Scots in 1327.

When visiting the Castle you can park at the Castle or in Warkworth Village. There is limited free parking in the village and on the riverside.

Warkworth is a good place to pause a while.

After visiting Warkworth Castle, you may like to visit the Hermitage.    Return to Alnwick for details.

Warkworth Castle features in Shakespeare's Henry IV.