The Story of Carey's Cows.

Sir Richard Carey, the Warden of the English West March, after many abortive attempts to subdue the Armstrongs, decided on a determined plan to rid Liddesdale, once and for all, of the reiving activities of this tiresome clan.

He entered Liddesdale with a strong force, and, as expected. the reivers withdrew, with their families and belongings into Tarras Moss, a vast, boggy wasteland.

Carey deployed his men at all the known exits to the Moss ensuring that no one could possible get in or out  without his knowledge.

He awaited events.

He waited a long time and his provisions were getting low and he found it impossible to purchase meat locally as all livestock had suddenly disappeared.

After a while, when his stocks were dangerously low, and Carey was beginning to fear that he would have to call off the siege, he was approached by some friendly locals and offered a fine beast to purchase. He gratefully accepted and asked for more to feed his men, and he got them.

Carey was quite unaware that a body of  Armstrongs,  had left their refuge without  difficulty, and made their way south to Carey's home in England. Being relatively unguarded, they had no trouble in driving north a choice selection of Carey's fine beasts. 

When Carey found out that he had been purchasing his own cattle, he was not amused. 

Acutely embarrassed, Carey called off the siege and went home.


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