
Take the sign to Branxton off the A697, the main road from Wooler to Coldstream. The village is about four miles south east of the Scottish border.

Branxton village is associated with the Battle of Flodden which was fought near by.

The village was raided by the Scots on many occasions but there is one encounter they had reason to long remember.

It happened on Trinity Sunday, the 21st June 1524, when a party of about 500 Scots were out on a plundering expedition in  north Northumberland. They had come upon some local traders who were on their way to the fair at Berwick. They relieved them of their belongings and then continued their marauding adventures. But their fortunes were reversed when they were unexpectedly ambushed by a young nobleman who, although greatly outnumber with a force of only 100 horsemen, defeated the Scots and took 200 of them prisoner.

The village of Branxton is the starting off point for visiting Flodden battlefield.

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