
Northwest of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 3 miles east of Belsay. 

Ogle is a very ancient village having roots which date back to the 12th century.  It developed in the shadow of a formidable castle built by the Ogle family.

Ogle was once an extensive village and the open area which separates the present village and the Hall was once the village green.  To the north of the village can be seen evidence of the mediaeval village

At Cockle Park is the remnants of a pele tower, which once belonged to the Ogles.  The Castle ruins have been incorporated in a manor house.


The Ogle family is a very ancient one having been established here before the Norman Conquest. The Ogles have long been proud of their lengthy pedigree and were quick to defend their status.  Once in 1583 when a Milburn offered the opinion that the Dacres were of as good blood as the Ogles, four of the Ogles set upon him and killed him.

At nearby Kirkley Hall was born Sir Chaloner Ogle one time admiral and commander in chief of the fleet.


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